Tech stack
Python, Django
Django, Flask, FastAPI
React JS, Next JS
PostgreSQL, MySQL, Sqlite
Firebase, MongoDB
Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-learn
Tensorflow, Keras, Pytorch
OpenCV, Scikit-Image
Spring, Spring Boot
Gradle, Maven
Formal Education
✔️ Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Computer Science
I play at the crossroads of Hardware and Software and build solutions using the same. I am currently Studying
BE in Electronics and Computer Science from Anjuman-e-Islam Kalsekar Technical Campus, New Panvel.
✔️ High School
Cleared Class 12th with 78% with Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology.
✔️ Secondary School
Cleared Class 10 with 92%
Past Experiences
🚧 Runner Up for SIH (Smart India Hacathon) Internal Hackathon
01/02/2024 - 02/02/2024
Participated in a Internal Hackathon for SIH organised by Anjuman-e-Islam Kalsekar
Technical Campus and Won 2nd Prize.
- We were 1st Runner Up ie 2nd Prize and won prizes worth of about 5,000 INR along with
certificates and medals.
- Worked on making TrackTech : An AI Drive Rail Crack Detection for Safer Railways
🚧 Participated in Aavishkar
01/02/2024 - 02/02/2024
Participated in a Aavishkar, A University Level Project Showcasing Competition organised by University of Mumbai and showcased our projects and got them reviewed from senior faculties and industry experts.
- It was a remarkable journey of showcasing projects and building networks
🚧 Participated in Algorithm 8.0 (National Level Hackathon)
01/02/2024 - 02/02/2024
Participated in a 32 Hour Long National Level Hackathon organised by Anjuman-e-Islam Kalsekar
Technical Campus and Won 2nd Prize among 45 other teams.
- We were 1st Runner Up ie 2nd Prize and won prizes worth of about 1,00,000 + INR along with
certificates and medals.
- Worked on making AR / VR more accessible
- Implemented a Hand Gesture Recognizer
- Created VR Games which could be played using Hand Gestures
- Created VCI (Virtual Control Interfaces) where computer and other devices can controlled using Hand
🚧 Participated in Technoscope 2K24 (National Level Project Competition)
Participated in Technoscope 2K24, A National Level Project Competition organised by AIKTC, New
- I Along with a Team of 5 People Participated in Technoscope.
- We showcased our project and got it reviewed from Senior Developers
🚧 Dennis Ivy Hackathon
Participated in a Hacathon on building Video Chat Application with a group of 3 Team Mates hosted by
a Dennis Ivy and
- Created a Django based Video Chat Application using Python/Django and Agora Toolkit.
- Participated in the Hackathon with a Team of 3 People.
- Made till the End of the Hackathon
- Our Project got Featured on Dennis Ivy's Youtube Stream
- Got a chance to review our code and get feedbacks from highly talented developers and the
founder himself of
🚧 HacktoberFest 2020
Participated in HacktoberFest 2020 by Dev and HacktoberFest.
- Learned About OpenSource Projects
- Contributed to OpenSource Projects
- Got many PRs merged in the actual codebase
🚧 HacktoberFest 2022
Participated in HacktoberFest 2022 by Dev and HacktoberFest.
- Learned About OpenSource Projects.
- Contributed to OpenSource Projects.
- Not only Contributed in HacktoberFest 2022 but Also managed 2 Open Source Respositories
- Got many PRs merged in the actual codebase
- Merged PR's of other HacktoberFest 2022 Contributors in my codebase
🚧 ThapaTechnical Codefest
Participated in ThapaTechnical Codefest organised by Thapa Technical.
- Learned About OpenSource Projects.
- Contributed to OpenSource Projects.
- Not only Contributed in HacktoberFest 2022 but Also managed 2 Open Source Respositories
- Got many PRs merged in the actual codebase
- Merged PR's of other HacktoberFest 2022 Contributors in my codebase